Acupuncture is a well known remedy for a very large number of diseases and conditions, so it doesn't come as a surprise the fact that it's also being used in helping mesothelioma cancer patients.
Acupuncture is not the cure for mesothelioma, or any kind of cancer, for that matter, but it is used as pain reliever, and a form of relaxation after a session of ordinary mesothelioma treatment, and a lot the patients using it say it works very well, alongside other such treatment methods.
Mesothelioma acupuncture benefits
When treating this disease, and even when patients just got their diagnosed, they will be in a lot of pain, a result of many factors. Other mesothelioma cancer symptoms may also be hard to live with, and acupuncture can help in that way. Some of the benefits you can hope to achieve when using acupuncture:
relieve pain
helps relax muscles and organs
stimulates the growth of healthy cells
treat nausea
Asked about this kind of procedure, a large number of patients said that acupuncture helped them getting through the mesothelioma process. They experience almost no pain, they feel better, in general. Some of the subjects said they stopped taking pain relievers all together after starting acupuncture. Together with other such remedies, acupuncture can make a lot of difference, may just give you a better view of your situation, because of the fact that it helps you also relax.
Some studies conducted suggest that this kind of treatment may even help in conjunction with immunotherapy; because it helps the body strengthen its immune system even further.
How patients react during an mesothelioma acupuncture session
In general, patients seem to react well to acupuncture, although some of them report sleepiness or some sort of pain during the procedure. Few of them said they experienced a form of anxiety when feeling the small needles piercing the skin, but after the physician was done, they felt great.
As far as mesothelioma alternative treatments go, acupuncture is one that patient can faithfully try. It will not cure their cancer, but it will most surely make their life a lot better. Not only is it cheap, but it also helps the mind, by relaxing the body.
Do you think you should try acupuncture, but have no start point? Contact and we will provide with all the information you need. It is free.