2018年3月16日 星期五

cupping therapy

Cupping is an extraordinary technique that has been passed down for thousands of years and continues to be widely used across many cultures by both professionals and lay people alike. I have had patients from Poland and Russia tell me stories of their grandmothers using the therapy when they were sick. I became particularly excited to see it being used in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

When toxins or cell waste stagnate in the muscles or joints, the body has a difficult time with waste disposal and we often experience this as discomfort or pain.

This kind of stagnation can occur for any number of reasons; injuries that never fully healed may create scar tissue and poor circulation in a localized area which creates site specific pain. You can expect some dramatic colors to appear with coloring if:
  • the issue is chronic
  • there is a history of either recreational or prescription drug use
  • you are eating more animal protein than your body can adequately tackle
  • candida or other parasite infection is present
  • you're being exposed to environmental toxins such as black mold
  • you've gone through a particularly traumatic emotional event
  • you're in a period of life where you're feeling particularly "stuck" 
When our liver or kidneys aren't able to process these insults to the system and excrete them correctly, the toxins are put into storage to be managed at a later time - and they're usually housed in the muscle layer. The vacuum action of cupping rapidly facilitates the release of rigid soft tissues, stimulates the peripheral nervous system, loosens and lifts connective tissues, breaks up and drains stagnation. It also increases blood and lymph flow to skin, muscles, and connective tissues. It does all of these things far more rapidly and effectively than any other type of therapy, including acupuncture, massage, chiropractic adjustments, medications or even surgery.
Cupping draws stagnant blood and other fluids that has fallen out of healthy circulation up to skin the level and away from the injury so that healthy free circulation can be restored to the affected area. Being that skin is the body's largest organ, it contains about 20% of your blood volume at any given time. The skin has a beautiful network of capillaries that make it a fantastic vehicle to transport all the stagnation that cupping pulls up into it. Cupping creates a space for oxygen, living cells, and nutrients needed for healing. The body’s capillary system at the skin level carries the toxins to the liver and kidneys, where they can be metabolized and excreted.

2016年12月3日 星期六

Reiki Treatment Session

Reiki Healing Health Benefits



One of the greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation, which triggers the bodies natural healing abilities, and improves and maintains health. Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well being to the recipient.

This simple, non-invasive healing system works with the Higher Self of the Receiver to promote health and well being of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body. Therefore it is truly a system of attaining and promoting wholeness of Mind, Body and Spirit.

Reiki is a specific type of subtle energy work in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands, allowing the flow of the energy from a limitless source (God Force) to the patient via the Reiki practitioner. It is extremely powerful, yet gentle energy that can be easily channelled to yourself and others, just by intention.

Reiki healing is a pure energy form. When it is combined with the sincere Desire of the Healee, who is willing to effect a cleansing within their emotional and spiritual consciousness, a total healing can occur.

When the flow of the "Life Force Energy" is disrupted, weakened or blocked, emotional or health problems tend to occur. Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as: emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, including fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle and relationships, neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way...

Reiki is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues of any kind and it gives wonderful results.

Some Of The Reiki Healing Health Benefits: 

  • Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,
  • It accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities,
  • Aids better sleep,
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Can help with accute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions,
  • Helps relieve pain,
  • Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony,
  • Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins,
  • Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy,
  • Supports the immune system,
  • Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,
  • Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,
  • Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

    When we are relaxed, stress-free, we are able to restore our natural ability to heal.
    Long term practice of whole-body reiki will restore the general condition of the body. It will open the energy channels and this will allow the body to deal properly and naturally with stress and build-up toxins and cope with anxiety and depression.

    When a person is in good health, regular therapy will increase the bodies built-in defences. This will manifest itself as confidence and outward harmony in dealing with everyday events. The person will gain a positive outlook on life.

    Reiki will also provide additional energy required to recover from illness.
    A Reiki healing session can induce an extremely comfortable state of being that can bring alteration in the clients consciousness.

    If used with other natural therapies (meditation, crystals, aroma therapy, Bach Flower remedies, homeopathy, etc.) Reiki will reinforce their effect.

    It can be used also as complementary therapy, because Reiki is truly a complementary care. It complements and enhances the health care the patient receives in the hospital or from other health care providers.

    Reiki healing complements Eastern and Western medicine and everybody can benefit from it.It is beneficial to the health of woman (even pregnant), man, children and it is also excellent to be used on animals (dogs, cats, horses), plants, water, etc.

    Reiki healing energy is a tool for use at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy.


    What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


    The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

     A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.

    Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

    An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
    Its use is not dependent on one's intellectual capacity or spiritual development and therefore is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.

    While Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. In fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not. Because Reiki comes from God, many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it.

    While Reiki is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony with others. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.

    2015年2月10日 星期二

    How Acupuncture Boosts Your Immune System to Prevent Colds?

                With the shortage of the flu vaccine this season, what can you do as an alternative? The flu vaccine has begun to be rationed leaving people scared that they might catch the flu this season. The flu vaccine is not the only method available to treat the symptoms of the flu. Since the 17th century Oriental Medicine has been treating flu like symptoms with success. Adults and children do not have to worry about missing valuable time at work or school because Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can not only help prevent the flu, but can also help treat the illness once symptoms have begun to appear. Traditionally patients are seen four times a year, at the change of seasons, to increase immunity to the ever changing environment.

    How does acupuncture work to prevent the flu?
                Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine helps to prevent the flu by simply strengthening the body's immune system. Each person has an underlying constitutional weakness that leaves their body weak and exposed in one area or another. This inherent weakness can lead to some people catching colds and flu. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine works by strengthening each person underlying weakness thus boosting their immune system. Where allopathic medical doctors use vaccinations to inject a variation of the virus into a person to immunize them from the illness, thus boosting the immune system, Oriental Medicine uses acupuncture and herbal medicine to prevent illness and boost the immune system. Studies have shown that certain blood counts and immune enhancing chemicals stay elevated for at least 3 days following an acupuncture treatment.

    What are acupuncture treatments like?
                Acupuncture treatments last approximately 30 minutes. During this time thin needles will be placed in various locations of the body (arms, legs, and back). These needles will remain in the body for approximately 20-30 minutes. Unlike the needles used to give injections, the ones used in acupuncture treatments are extremely fine, only 2 times the width of a single hair. Acupuncture needles are designed to enter the skin with the least resistance. Most clients are surprised to discover that treatments involve little or no pain, and are usually quite relaxing.

    How often do I have to come in?
              On average most adults need to be seen four times a year at the change of seasons to increase immunity to the changing environment. When it relates to the seasonal flu, four treatments are needed to strengthen the immune system. Depending on each individual, these treatments might occur a week apart or a month apart. It is important to receive treatment prior to feeling the symptoms of the flu, as this makes treatment easier and more effective.

    Prevention verses presenting with symptoms?
                Prevention is the key to everything and Oriental Medicine is no different. Patients will benefit much more from being treated prior to the onset of flu symptoms. However, if symptoms due being to arise, then immediate treatment is imperative. The key to effective treatment is early intervention. The sooner treatment is received for flu-like symptoms the faster and more effective treatment is.

    Do the treatments differ for children verses adults?
              The treatment of adults and children is different. Children respond much quicker to treatment than adults do. With adults I use acupuncture needles where as with children I use a non-invasive impulse machine to stimulate acupuncture points. The children only feel a slight tapping sensation at the site of the point.

    2014年4月11日 星期五

    Acupuncture for Allergy

    Acupuncture already helps to relieve pain in some patients, and the latest study hints that it might relieve sneezing and itchy eyes as well. Most patients plagued with sniffles brought on by seasonal allergies turn to antihistamines for relief, but when they don't get relief, some opt for alternative treatments like acupuncture, in which tiny needles inserted just under the skin at specific points in the body are used to reduce certain symptoms.

    TIME.com: Fast food linked to asthma and allergies in kids In a study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers examined 422 people who tested positive for pollen allergies and had allergic nasal symptoms such as a runny nose. The participants reported their symptoms as well as what medication and doses they used to treat them. Acupuncture used on expectant mothers Mild winter = more allergies?

     The researchers then divided them into three groups; one received 12 acupuncture treatments and took antihistamines as needed, a second group received 12 fake acupuncture treatments (needles placed at random, non-meaningful points in the body) and took antihistamines as needed, while the final group only took antihistamines for symptoms.

    After two months, the researchers asked the patients about their symptoms and how much medication they used. The participants who received the real acupuncture treatments with their antihistamines showed a greater improvement in their allergy symptoms and less use of antihistamines compared to the other groups. But the fact that even the participants receiving the sham acupuncture therapy reported some relief of their symptoms suggests that a strong placebo effect may be responsible for at least part of the improvement. That possibility was supported by the fact that after four months of follow-up, the difference between the groups was less pronounced.

    The researchers speculate that the patients' expectations of how much the acupuncture might help them could have influenced their reports of improved symptoms. But if the treatments are providing some type of relief, then acupuncture's potential role in treating allergies should be investigated further, the authors say. "The effectiveness of acupuncture for (seasonal allergies) compared with other antiallergic interventions and the possible underlying mechanisms of any effect, including context effects, need to be addressed in further research," they write in the study.

    TIME.com: 5 foods to fight allergies That view is supported by Dr. Remy Coeytaux of the Duke Clinical Research Institute and Dr. Jongbae of the Regional Center for Neurosensory Disorders and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study. They note that acupuncture's benefits have started to emerge over the last 15 years and enough high-quality clinical trials support "patient-level meta-analyses for several clinical indications." They suggest that more rigorous research, which would include comparing acupuncture with existing treatments for conditions such as allergies, should be conducted in coming years. They write: "It may be time to begin asking such questions as: How does acupuncture compare directly with other therapeutic approaches? Which of the many acupuncture traditions or approaches is most effective or appropriate for a given clinical indication? What outcomes or process measures should we be assessing in clinical trials of acupuncture? Is the magnitude of effect, if any, associated with acupuncture for a given clinical indication 'worth it' from the perspective of patients, payers, or policymakers?"

    In the meantime, study author Dr. Benno Brinkhaus of the Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics at Charité University Medical Center in Berlin wrote in an e-mail response describing the study that "From my experience as a physician and acupuncturist, and as a researcher, I would recommend trying acupuncture if patients are not satisfied with the conventional anti-allergic medication or treatment or they suffer from more or less serious sides effects of the conventional medication. Also because acupuncture is a relative safe treatment." Until more stringent studies document what effects acupuncture might have on the sneezing and sniffling of allergies, however, you may not know for sure whether those sessions under the needles are likely to do you any good.

    2010年5月10日 星期一

    How to Quit Smoking With Acupuncture

    Acupuncture Helps You Quit Smoking

    Acupuncture treatment is a very powerful tool for removing smoking addiction. This treatment is not very popular among the people who are planning to quit. However it is a very effective and reliable method for quitting smoking which has no side effects at all.

    Millions of dollars are spent every year on different types of medications for smoking cessation programs. However, not all these programs are beneficial. This is because all these programs do not provide any incentive to quit smoking. Acupuncture provides the extra impetus to the smoker to quit smoking for good. But how does acupuncture really work?

    Acupuncture uses small needles of different lengths and sizes to stimulate the skin in a particular area of the human body. The area for stimulation is chosen corresponding to meridian or pathway that provides energy to the affected body field or area. In case of smoking cessation, needles are inserted in the areas that will affect energy flow to the mouth, lungs and respiratory system as well as parts of the brain that generate cravings for tobacco smoke.

    It is proved in studies that smokers who are given acupuncture treatment have less desire to smoke and their smoking actually decreases after the treatment of acupuncture. It has been proved over and over again that people who receive acupuncture treatment are twice as likely to quit smoking than people who smoke.

    But, it is also important that you follow some simple things to receive the full benefit of the acupuncture treatment. They are:
    1) A smoker receiving acupuncture treatment to kick the habit must get it twice a week for three weeks without any gap, for the treatment to be fully effective.

    2) The smoker getting the medication will be taught to do self acupressure on ears in order to reinforce the treatment and help cravings to pass.

    3) It is always better to use this method with other therapies such as nicotine replacement therapy or support groups.

    Even if acupuncture can not help you recover fully, it will surely help you reduce the

    Asbestos Cancer (II)

    What is Asbestos?

    For most individuals, especially those born in the last 40 years, the mention of asbestos conjures up thoughts of a dangerous substance that's sickened many people and caused myriad deaths around the world. That's an accurate description.

    A common misconception on the part of many individuals, however, is that asbestos is a hazardous man-made substance, conjured up in factories around the world for commercial use. The truth is, however, that asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that can be found in hundreds of countries on just about every continent. As a matter of fact, asbestos is still mined in several of these countries, including Canada and Russia. Other countries have outlawed the mining of asbestos.

    Asbestos is a highly-fibrous mineral with long, thin, separable fibers. The thin fibers can be spun and woven together, and possess valuable heat-resistant properties that make asbestos suitable for insulation and other such products. Indeed, for decades, asbestos was the material of choice for many industries that were manufacturing products for which heat resistance, low electrical conductivity, flexibility, and high tensile strength were essential factors. Today, there are other alternatives.

    There are two kinds of asbestos. The serpentine variety is curly. Chrysotile asbestos, most commonly used for industrial purposes, is from the serpentine family. Other asbestos fibers, from the amphibole family, are very straight and needle-like. Amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite are amphibole asbestos varieties.

    Currently, chrysotile asbestos is the only type mined on a wide-scale though a handful of countries continue to mine other forms. However, worldwide outrage about the use of dangerous asbestos has forced many countries to reconsider their position on mining.

    Why is Asbestos a Health Concern?
    Studies estimate that approximately 3,000 different types of commercial products include asbestos. In and of itself, the mineral is not harmful, as long as it's intact. However, when the asbestos in these products is damaged and the fibers become airborne, concerns begin to arise.

    "Friable" asbestos - that which is dry and can be easily crumbled with the hand - is the culprit. Such asbestos is more likely to release fibers into the air. Spray-applied asbestos fireproofing, which was used in millions of buildings throughout the world, is of the friable variety. However, some non-friable asbestos can also release airborne fibers, particularly when sanded, chopped, hammered, cut, or otherwise manipulated. That's why, when demolishing a building that contains asbestos, proper removal and disposal in a designated asbestos landfill is essential before the building is torn down.

    Why are Airborne Fibers Dangerous?
    Inhaled asbestos fibers remain in the body and cannot be expelled. Because of this, the fibers can easily penetrate body tissues and may deposit themselves in airways and in the lung tissue. The more you're exposed, the more likely you might develop an asbestos-related disease. Most people exposed to asbestos on a very casual basis probably will not develop such a disease.

    Once the fibers are lodged in the body, they will cause inflammation which may eventually result in the formation of cancerous tumors, particularly on the mesothelium - the lining of the lungs. Other affected areas may include the peritoneum - the lining of the abdomen - and the pericardium - the lining around the heart. There are various type of mesothelioma treatment options for each type.

    With some recent exceptions found in workers at the World Trade Center disaster, asbestos-related diseases, such as pleural mesothelioma, usually take decades to surface. That's why current cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases involve many individuals who were employed in shipyards during World War II, performing jobs that exposed them to friable asbestos on a daily basis. Shipyard workers are among those most affected by aggressive asbestos cancer.

    Is Asbestos Banned?
    Contrary to what many people believe, asbestos is not and has never been banned in the United States. In 1976, Congress passed a law to regulate toxic substances (known as the Toxic Substances Control Act) but a total ban was not suggested. In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency finalized regulations to ban asbestos under the aforementioned act, but two years later, a New Orleans circuit court of appeal overturned the regulation. The result was that new uses of the dangerous mineral were banned but old ones remained.

    Many other industrialized nations have banned asbestos including the European Union and a handful of other countries, such as Chile, Croatia, Australia, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia. Several countries, especially those who continue to make money from the mining of asbestos, consistently fight against asbestos bans.

    A few current U.S. senators, with the assistance of asbestos watchdog groups, hope to encourage the government to reconsider a ban on all asbestos products. A new bill, called the "Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2007" (S.742), was introduced by Senator Patty Murray on March 1, 2007.